Participants apply the Lean LaunchPad methodology to learn how to translate their science and technology innovations to real-life products and services. Five modules: intro, product-market fit, customer discovery, pathway to commercialization, and market assessment.
- Science and Engineering VPD - a compressed, localized version of the regional Jumpstart course. For academics exploring the commercial potential of specific innovations emerging from their research. Entails outreach for stakeholder interviews. Successful completion can qualify academic teams for the NSF I-Corps Teams program ($50,000 grant).
- Launch MN VPD Certificate Course - for business people across the State of Minnesota taking the early steps to build fundable, high-growth businesses based on specific innovations. Provides the groundwork for an SBIR or Launch MN grant application, as well as investor due diligence.
- Launch MN VPD Webinar - for business people and academics seeking an overview of the Lean LaunchPad approach; no specific innovation or homework is required.