Start with these resources
You need many tools to take an innovation from concept to market reality.
In addition to our in-person programs, here is a starter collection of resources.

More great resources
Gary S Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship
The Holmes Center is the on-campus hub for MIN-Corps, MN Cup, Grow North, and other curricular and interdisciplinary entrepreneurship programs.
Minnesota Cup
MN Cup is the largest statewide startup competition in the country, with entrants from high-tech, student, food/agriculture, student, and impact divisions.
Venture Center
The Technology Commercialization Venture Center translates University research into licensable products for the marketplace.
MnDRIVE is a state initiative to align areas of University research strength with the state’s key and emerging industries to address grand challenges.
Technological Leadership Institute
The Technological Leadership Institute teaches skills at the intersection of technology, innovation, and leadership from short courses to graduate degrees.
Acara connects students to international opportunities for entrepreneurship through courses, contacts, mentorship, and an annual competition for $5000 in grant money.
The inventors of the business model canvas and value proposition canvas share resources and new insights.
Steve Blank
Blog by one of the inventors of the lean startup model, which updates about once a week with new insights into the startup world.
Udacity: How to Build a Startup
Free online course on how to build a lean startup.
The Lean Startup
Example applications of the lean startup methodology, and arguments in favor of learning fast and cheap.
Business Model Generation Book Preview
Read a free sample of the business model generation book, or buy your own copy.
VentureWell offers resources for student and faculty entrepreneurs.
Faculty grants of up to $30,000 to fund new courses or modify existing curriculum to include innovation.
E-Team grants fund student innovators with technology-based ventures that address a social or environmental need.
The DEBUT challenge supports students trying to create solutions for unmet health and clinical problems.
Patent & Trademark Resource Center
The Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) offers access to a collection of reference materials and guides, as well as access to powerful search tools for researching patents and trademarks. They also host monthly trainings on these tools.
The Founder Institute
A startup launch program with curriculum for entrepreneurs and daily articles about entrepreneurship.
Kauffman Founders School
A cornucopia of video series with experienced entrepreneurs explaining critical startup skills.
Stanford eCorner
Podcasts, videos, and articles about startups from Stanford's Management Science & Engineering School.
Weekly source for new startup ideas and approaches.
Young Entrepreneurs Articles
Medium-length articles about entrepreneurs fresh out of college.